Some Fun Facts
Whilst faffing around on the British Triathlon Event Organiser System recently we came across some info-graphics based on data from our all of our permitted events. It’s not quite all the events we have organised since our inception at the end of 2019, but almost. We thought you might find some of the data interesting.
Looking at the ‘tickets sold’ it’s perhaps no surprise that Stradbroke Triathlon & Junior Aquathlon has the biggest percentage of participants from our current offering. We are looking forward to seeing Stradbroke back bigger and better in 2021!

It’s interesting to see the split between male and female entrants too: –

And there’s a huge age range in those attending our events: –

One of the simplest yet most interesting graphs was the one below showing that a huge number of people attending our events take out day licenses, This suggests that many participants either don’t enter lots of multi sports events each year so it’s not worth buying British Triathlon membership or that they are indeed new to the sport – hopefully we do a good job of encouraging those first timers to continue in our great sport!

Our conclusion from all of this is that our events really do cater for everyone!
We look forward to seeing you on a start line soon.
Iain & Jill
Cam But Tri Events Team